The firm’s written complaints procedure (Appendix 6G) complies with CS7.9; CS8.2-8.5; CF3.5; CF7.1c. It is designed for ease of client use and understanding, to be responsive to the needs of individual clients, especially the vulnerable, and to ensure that the Directors:
- know about client dissatisfaction if and when it does arise.
- take all reasonable steps to ensure that the dissatisfaction is addressed and resolved wherever possible and in the shortest possible time.
- reassure all clients who do complain that the firm will address their concerns without delay and that it takes all complaints seriously.
- learn from experience to lessen the risk of complaints in the future.
When a client makes a complaint, Lindsay Coates will:
- Open a file for the complaint, complete the complaints report form and place it on the central complaints register.
- write to the client, enclosing the firm’s complaints procedure, explaining:
- how the firm will handle the complaint.
- in what timescale the firm will give an initial and/or substantive response
- further steps the client can take if the complaint remains unresolved.
- investigate the complaint according to the firm’s written procedure, identifying the cause of any problems, and offering appropriate redress if they consider the complaint to be justified.
- If there is any risk that the complaint could amount to circumstances that should be reported to the firm’s insurers, report it immediately.